Agriculture сomplex

Repair and production of agricultural machinery and spare parts

Weighing billets and details

Crane scales for weighing billets large parts and wastes from mechanical processing while performing loading and unloading operations at all stages of production and repair of agricultural machinery and spare parts.

3D scanning services and reverse modelling of parts and spare parts

Services from our company with 3D scanning of objects. The obtained models are the basis for reproduction of parts of agricultural machinery or spare parts for it.

Checking the technological accuracy of production equipment

Services of our company to check the technological accuracy and repeatability of production equipment, calibration of CNC machines and coordinate measuring machines (CMM) for enterprises producing and repairing agricultural machinery.

Calibration and diagnostics of production equipment

Special measuring systems of Renishaw company for estimation and monitoring of operational characteristics of production equipment of any enterprises in production and repair.

Repair and modernization of weighing equipment

Any weighing equipment can be improved by switching to a more accurate electronics, increasing the size of the receiving device, increasing the upper limit of the weighing.

Modeling of complex shape objects (high accuracy details)

Coordinate-measuring the hands of the Hexagon Absolute Arm 7-Axis with a laser three-dimensional scanner is able to create 3D models of high accuracy in the production of parts and spare parts of agricultural machinery.

Control geometry of machine parts and spare parts

Laser trackers Hexagon MI Leica coordinate measuring machines Hexagon MI DEA and Classic manual tools Hexagon MI TESA for maximum accurate control of geometric sizes of finished products, billets, tool and other provides high quality of repair and production of agricultural machinery and spare parts.

Modeling objects of complex form (large-sized parts)

Artec 3D Three-dimensional scanners are suitable for high-speed 3D models of any parts and spare parts of agricultural machinery.