Agriculture сomplex

Production of mixed fodders

Crane scales in metering systems

Crane scales perform high-precision measurements and provide reliable work in dosing systems, as well as the input and output control of products.

Transmission of weighing results via radio channel

Data transmission devices oover the radio channel allow you to read the weighing results, even in low visibility (smoke, dust), make in the memory of weights a lot of containers, even if the scales are outside the operator’s visibility area.

Weighing on crane scales of big-bags with bulk solids

EHP crane scales of an allow high accuracy to weigh big-bags and raw materials bags and with the ready product while receiving raw materials and shipment of finished products.

Repair and modernization of weighing equipment

Obsolete production line based on mechanical equipment is advisable to equip an electronic control system that will increase productivity and control.

Weighing trucks of varying length and mass

Weighing of automobiles with liquid and solid components of animal feed, ready-mixed fodder and products. Elongated warranty period, stable metrological characteristics, remote control capability.

Weighing of bunkers and storage tanks for loose and liquid substances

Weight control of components in storage, during the production process and the shipment of finished products allows to optimize production and avoid theft.

Automation of grain weighing on elevators

Weighing control systems on automobile and wagon scales include video recording of weight acceptance, control of vehicle location, identification etc.

Automation and modernization of metering scales for the organization of accounting of components and finished products

Weighing dispensers and discrete action meters ensure the accounting of raw materials and finished products at various stages of production. The TBKODA system allows you to combine such scales into a single system with centralized control, indication and accounting.

Weighing of wagons by different base without uncoupling in static and dynamic mode

Guaranteed high accuracy of grain weighing allows avoiding the error and inconsistency of weight during the raw material acceptance by rail.

Level gauge for measuring grain levels in bunkers in large and magenta sizes

For storage tanks of raw materials and finished products are offered levelmeasures with the possibility of work in large and small tanks in the presence of a large amount of dust and sticking product.