Software components Forpost.ActiveX

Our company has a rich experience in the development of automated management, control and accounting systems for transport and commodity flows in operations for the receipt, transfer and shipment of raw materials or finished products. To do this, the Forpost ® hardware and software system developed by our specialists is applied, which includes the computerized workplaces of the participants in the process (security, weight, laboratory, warehouse, accounting) and hardware controls and controls (electronic scales, traffic lights, barriers, wheel position sensors, video cameras, electronic card readers, etc.).

However, more often there are situations when the Customer already exists and operates a production management system. Most often this is a specialized configuration for “1C: Enterprise 8” or software of other developers. It should be noted that in most cases, these systems do not adequately relate to the physical and organizational safety of mass accounting processes, weighing procedures and everything associated with it.

For such cases, we developed the software components Forpost ActiveX, which is not a stand-alone software, but is a set of libraries containing the basic procedures for safe weighing and transport management, which the Customer can integrate into their software, thereby supplementing the established specificity of their work with KODA technologies, guaranteeing the reliability and safety of accounting. The components of Forpost ActiveX are equipped with standard interfaces for interaction with the Customer´s software and are supplied both in pure software version and in a kit with various control devices.