Rail transport


Weighing overall cargoes

Crane scales for weighing of long and large cargoes can be used as Master-Slave system, consisting of two or more weights of the same modification, information exchange between them is carried out over the radio channel.

Weighing billets and details

Crane scales for weighing billets large parts and wastes from mechanical processing during loading and unloading operations at all stages of production and repair of urban transport.

Geometry control for rolling wheelsets

Specialized Laser Profilometer from the company Riftek for the measurement of geometric parameters and surface profile rolling wheeled pair of rolling stock.

Control of diameter of wheel pairs

Bracket from Riftek company to measure the diameter of the circle skating wheel pairs of railway rolling stock without their rolling.

Control of the transverse profile of the working surface of the rails head

Specialized system from the company Riftek for contactless registration of transverse profile of the working surface of the head rails.

Interdistance measurements

Specialized system from the company Riftek to measure the interbanding distance of wheelpairs of rolling stock of underground.